Positive report following inspection of Inverness crematorium
The Inspector of Crematoria Scotland has described Inverness Crematorium as being well run by staff who display a caring and professional approach to their duties. The comments come following a recent inspection focussing on the issues raised following some national high profile investigations and enquiries into the inappropriate scattering of ashes in other areas.
Procedures for registering deaths and administration of Cremations and Burials are changing and the inspection found no shortcomings in either the administration functions performed or the procedures in place within the Highland’s only Crematory which is operated by The Highland Council.
The report highlighted particularly good practice in respect of ensuring continuity of identity throughout, with safeguards in place to minimise the risk of error.
Last year Inverness Crematorium dealt with over 1038 cremations.
Chair of The Highland Council’s Community Services, Councillor Allan Henderson said: “It is a credit to the staff that the inspection has been so positive. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate them all for their professionalism and the high standards they keep.”