DIY cervical screening kits could be rolled out from early 2026, NHS plan says
At-home cervical screening kits could potentially be rolled out in England from next year to help meet the goal of eliminating cervical cancer by 2040, according to a new health service blueprint.
NHS England said planning is under way to allow women to order DIY tests through their GP or pharmacy, or through the NHS App, if recommended by the UK National Screening Committee (UKNSC).
The move could “revolutionise access” to screening, according to NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard.
Other measures being explored include offering vaccinations against human papillomavirus (HPV) – which is linked to the majority of cases of cervical cancer – in community settings like pharmacies.
The National Cervical Cancer Elimination Plan, published on Friday, said the UKNSC will “shortly be considering” HPV self-sampling as an option for those who do not engage with the cervical screening programme.
It is hoped at-home tests, potentially rolled out from “early 2026”, will encourage people who would not otherwise attend screening appointments to take up the offer.
Women aged between 25 and 49 are invited for cervical screening, also known as a smear tests, every three years, with women aged between 50 and 64 invited every five years.
The procedure involves collecting a small sample of cells from the cervix to test for HPV.
However, data published by the NHS last November showed five million women are not up to date with routine check-ups.
The document said: “Planning is already under way to ensure that, if the UKNSC makes a recommendation and it is approved by Government and funded, the NHS will be ready to implement it.
“Plans may include allowed tests to be ordered through the NHS App, as well as alternative options for accessing tests.
“We will ensure there is appropriate laboratory capacity and sufficient reporting capability to track and monitor the effectiveness of self-sampling.”
These tests could in future enable women to take part in screening from the comfort of their own homes, by simply ordering a kit via the NHS App, or through their GP or pharmacy
Ms Pritchard pledged to eliminate cervical cancer in 2023.
Last November, she also announced the rollout of a “ping and book” service to encourage women to attend cervical and breast cancer screening appointments.
This service will also be extended as part of the new plan, with more women expected to get notifications about cervical screening from later this year.
Ms Pritchard said: “Eliminating cervical cancer by 2040 is a momentous and world-leading ambition for the NHS, so I’m incredibly proud that today we’re setting out a blueprint to make this a reality and save thousands of women’s lives.
“We know busy life can get in the way, which is why the NHS is making it even easier to come forward – starting with extending our ‘ping and book’ service to cervical cancer, with more and more women to receive invites on their phone via the NHS App later this year.
“We are also really excited about the potential to revolutionise access to screening through self-testing, and this major plan sets out how the NHS stands ready to roll out DIY swab kits for thousands of women, subject to approval by the UK National Screening Committee.
“These tests could in future enable women to take part in screening from the comfort of their own homes, by simply ordering a kit via the NHS App, or through their GP or pharmacy.”
A vaccine for HPV was introduced for girls aged 12-13, or school year eight, in 2009 and extended to boys in 2019.
According to NHS England, in the 2023/24 academic year some 76.7% of girls and 71.2% of boys aged 14 or 15 were vaccinated by year 10.
As part of the plan, the health service will look at expanding catch-up programmes of the jab, including offering them in settings like pharmacies.
Inequalities in vaccination will also be explored to better understand barriers and perception in some areas.
Ms Pritchard added: “To help boost uptake further, we will also offer HPV vaccinations in new community settings such as pharmacies, as well as enabling people to track the vaccinations they are eligible for and book appointments at the touch of a button via the app.
“Together we can make this life-saving ambition a reality and save many more women the pain and trauma of cancer, and I’m delighted in my final week as chief executive to see the NHS set a clear path to making cervical cancer a disease of the past.”
Trans men and non-binary people with a cervix who are not registered as female with their GP will also be invited for screening automatically using a new call and re-call IT system.
The document also outlines the need to address workforce shortages in specialist areas, including implementing retention strategies and maximising the skills of staff.
This includes potentially “cross-training” staff such as nurses who perform colposcopies, procedures that examine the vagina and cervix using a magnifying instrument, to support services in hysteroscopy, cancer management, or quality improvement.
Athena Lamnisos, chief executive of the Eve Appeal charity, welcomed the publication of the plan.
“We were delighted when an ambitious but achievable target for elimination was set for England, but as we know, a target is just a number if it doesn’t have a plan behind it,” she added.
“Achieving cervical elimination does not mean ‘fixing’ one thing – it needs several different strategies and evidence-based approaches across HPV vaccination, improving screening uptake and ensure those with a positive HPV result move into treatment swiftly.”