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Organisations urge communities to stand up against gender-based violence

Ness Bridge lit up in orange, the colour used in the global Light Up campaign to mark 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence.
Ness Bridge lit up in orange, the colour used in the global Light Up campaign to mark 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence.

Highland Violence Against Women Partnership (HVAWP) and other organisations across the Highlands are asking the public to join them during the 16 Days of Activisim campaign between November 25- December 10.

The campaign hopes to end violence against women and girls, and ask the public to take a pledge and share what they will do to help this cause by using the hashtag #WhatWillYouDo.

The Ness Bridge was lit up yesterday to mark the beginning of the campaign, and to shed light on what is often a hidden issue.

This is the second year organisations have joined up for the 16 Days campaign and the groups hope that the public will help create the change.

In Scotland, four out of five incidents of domestic abuse recorded by Police Scotland have a female victim and a male accused. More than 62,000 incidents of domestic abuse were recorded by the police in 2019-20.

Chief Superintendent Conrad Trickett, Divisional Commander, Highland and Islands division, Police Scotland said: “Woman and girls should be able to go about their daily lives without fear or the threat of violence. As Divisional Commander and #HeForShe lead for Police Scotland, I pledge my full support to the 16 days of activism campaign. We do not and will not tolerate violence against woman and girls within our communities.

Chief Supt Conrad Trickett..Picture: James Mackenzie..
Chief Supt Conrad Trickett..Picture: James Mackenzie..

"We will continue to conduct robust, victim-centred, perpetrator-focused investigations into reports of this type of offending and along with our partners will ensure victims are supported.

"However, it is up to all us, men especially, to challenge male attitudes, to not be That Guy and to end violence against women and girls”.

Police Scotland recently launched the Dont Be That Guy campaign, aiming to hold men responsible for their actions and shift the focus away from the women.

Violence against women is often regarded as an issue for women to solve, yet this message is ineffective and encourages victim blaming.

“Violence against women and girls is absolutely everyone’s business. We believe that everyone has a role to play - whether it's challenging harmful behaviours and attitudes, supporting survivors, or holding perpetrators to account”, says James Maybee, principal officer for Criminal Justice Services for Highland Council and Depute Chair of the Highland Violence Against Women Partnership.

There are centres across the Highlands to help women affected by abuse and rape.

One such centre is Womens Aid, who offer support and help through meetings, online, phone and text.

Elaine Fetherston, manager at Inverness Women’s Aid, said: “As frontline Third Sector organisations, we see the impact of violence and abuse on women, children and young people every day.

"This campaign gives us all the chance to make this headline news – violence against women has become normalised and this has to be challenged now.”

Highland Council’s executive chief officer for Health, Social Care and Wellbeing, Fiona Duncan, said: “Violence against women is a human rights issue and is one of the most prevalent human rights abuses across the world.”

She added: “We need Collective Leadership to take action and the Highland Violence Against Women Partnership plays a key role in providing that leadership. We would encourage people to speak up and tell the world about your pledge by posting your own #WhatWillYouDo message on social media.”

For more information, details of the campaign partners, and to download a #WhatWillYouDo placard, go online.

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