Brora Primary's exciting end of year extravaganza
The pupils at Brora Primary School put on a wonderful end of term service – a real showcase of music and drama.
After welcoming the excellent turn out of friends and family, things started with nursery delighting everyone with their acting out the Growing of a Seed.
It was followed with some beautiful dancing to Moana-We Know the Way and everyone looked very summery in their Hawaiian costumes.
Next came p3/4 with Queen’s We Will Rock You which brought a smile to all. P5 and p6 joined together with a rendition of High Hopes whilst displaying the job they aspire to later on in life.
All of these acts were interspersed with presentations and words from Rev Rosemary Powers, the local minister. In a sporting slot, the Clyne Trophy was awarded to Kilbraur, also known as the blue team and recognition was given to Ella Macgregor who won the girls' golf trophy in an inter schools competition with an excellent score that equalled the boys' winner.
Everyone was impressed at the quality of music performed by Louise Douglas and her fiddle group and Mr Melville with his pipers, both groups performing a set for the audience.
The Nan Sutherland Trophy, donated by her son William in his mum’s memory, was awarded to Fara Sutherland for her heartfelt efforts in keeping her teacher Russell McCarthy at the school. William Sutherland was very pleased to award the trophy to Fara on the fifth anniversary of his mum’s passing and commended her efforts.
Each year the Clan Sutherland trophy is awarded to a p7 pupil and this year it went to Chloe Ballantyne for her effort, great attitude, kind hearted behaviour and good work in school.
P7 gave an inspiring performance of dance and drama routines to music and speeches from WW2. They were appropriately dressed in costumes and the performance had been choreographed by Gina Rankin – her work and their efforts were a real credit to the school and to themselves.